Monday, May 28, 2012

Now is Later

I realize that most of my favorite followers are probably sound asleep at this moment, but for those of you who suffer from insomnia, here are better pictures. No, I did not enter the witness protection program as my previous pictures may have suggested. Also, I forgot to mention two things in my previous post. 1. I realized towards the end of the day that I had been wearing sunglasses in every single picture. So there is only one without them! Ha! 2. I bought shoes in Salzburg! I really wanted to buy a drindl (native flok dress worn by cool Europeans) but I wasn't sure how that would go over at BJA. So I just bought the shoes that one wears with a drindl. They are almost as cool:)


  1. Makes me want to sing "How do you solve a problem like a Marg'ret?" (I had to add the "a" and elide the name to make it work.)

    Why is it that Europeans have all the cool shoes?

  2. I love these pictures so much, BB. I can't wait till you come back so I can get the full scoop on this tour! Yay!

  3. What?! No picture of an edelweiss? Can you pose without having a hand on a hip?
