Thursday, May 29, 2014


When you read about Hawaii or see TV shows set in Hawaii you see white beaches and green palm trees and pure blue water, and all that is true. We spent time at the beach yesterday, and it was absolutely beautiful. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and I got burned to a crisp. Just as expected. 

But, today was different. Today I saw the raw, pure Hawaii. I saw pineapple fields and red clay and the most beautiful children. We traveled up the mountain to Poamoho to hang out with some kids at their Bible club. From the moment our white van pulled up the kids surrounded us, pulled us into their circle, and became our best friends. The kids were extraordinary, so full of life, so in need of love. They live in tiny, rotting houses, once occupied by their grandparents who worked in the Dole pineapple fields. They run wild, and somehow, through the providence of God, they have run into the care of Pastor Rocky and his wife. The time I spent with them has changed the way I see life and see love. 

This morning in staff training we focused on our knowledge of the love of God. In my life there is not room for pride and love. Today on that empty grass field I saw kids being loved with the selfless, pure, overflowingly generous love of Jesus. The pastors there have given up everything to serve. They are living breathing examples of what a cross-centered, Gospel driven life looks like.

I made a special friend tonight. Her name is Agnes, and she is amazing. She has a beautiful laugh, and I've never heard anyone sing "God is so Good" with so much enthusiasm. Because of her disabilities, Agnes has an even harder life than the other kids in her village, but because of the love the pastor and his wife have shown her, she has found true and lasting joy. She sat on the grass with me, braided my hair so we could be twins, and told me about her Jesus. Lord willing, I'll see Agnes at camp in a few weeks, and I can't wait.

My eyes were opened tonight, but the beautiful energy of the boys and girls wasn't what did it. After Bible club one of the missionaries sat down in the grass with my team and shared his burden for Hawaii. 

This place is so in need of Jesus, and for six short weeks, I get to be a part of the work. My God is so good to me. 

(Tomorrow I'll write about the sketchy Chinese restaurant we ate at. Oh my. Stay tuned.)


  1. Love that she braided your hair to be twins! And that you're learning so much!

  2. how sweet. so excited to follow your adventure and your service.

  3. Keep writing! This is a blessing to read, Margaret. So happy for what the Lord is doing in your life -- praying for you!
