Monday, November 5, 2012

Remember Me?

I don't even know if I remember how to post. How to write anything funny. It's not that I've forgotten about you, cyber world, but that I really haven't had anything especially inspired to write about.

But, fear not, I am alive. I am well. Life is running circles around me and I'm left in the dust, but that's ok. The dust can be a good place, I suppose.

In case you were wondering, here is a brief recap of the past few weeks of my crazy little life. In a list, no less. If you haven't noticed, I'm rather partial to lists.

1. In the weeks following the Wilds trip, I have done a whole lot of nothing.

2. I finished the first half of my Fundamentals of Electronic Media class, including a live webcast.

3. I managed to wear a green shirt on the day that I was assigned to do the weather, resulting in sunny skies along the midsection of the United States.

4. I continued training for my half marathon, the Spinx Run Fest, which I completed. Finally. I have not run since. I did love it, though! Running surrounded by hundreds of other people, hundreds of distractions pressuring  me to keep running. The race ends triumphantly. Each runner is announced as they enter the final stretch into the baseball stadium. I began to sprint, faster and faster toward the finish line, determined to beat the old woman in front of me. I passed her, and man, did that feel good until I realized that she was probably three and a half times my age. Yay! I beat her. Big whoop!

5. I worked concessions at my school's Speech and Debate tournament. I was actually the Crew Chief. You can only imagine how that went.

6. We got our high school mock trial case. It's a civil case about a woman who was eaten by bed bugs in a hotel. I have itched none stop since it came out.

7. Rehearsals for my dad's lay, Richard III, have been in full swing. I am playing Young Elizabeth, Richard's niece. It's the best part ever: no lines, two costumes, and I end up the queen at the end. The play open next week, so we're practicing a lot this week.

Oh, and if you want to, you can check out the trailer here: There are also some photos of yours truly, although I feel like I look half-asleep in most of them. You can be the judge of that.

That's pretty much all the interesting stuff. Or at least all I can remember at the moment. Oops, that's my cue!

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