Yesterday was the first day I really missed home. My dad's the best one out there and I really wanted to be with him on Father's Day. Thank goodness for technology.
Teen week was hard. I had an awesome cabin with four awesome girls, but after our whirlwind weekend tour of the island and a double potluck we were all exhausted.
My campers were wonderful. They all came to camp with different stories and were eager to share. Normally I have to purposefully look for time and opportunities for one-on-one time, but this week each camper came to me to talk. How cool is that?
Here are just a few highlights from this week:
1. Teaching my campers "Splish Splash I was A-Takin a Bath"
2. Conquering my fear of slip-n-slides. I've never really liked slip-in-slides. I usually end up bruised, sore, and covered in grass, and none of these things are appealing. Last year I quickly volunteered to hold the hose and re-apply soap to avoid any slipping or sliding. But after a pointed rebuke in staff training (thank you, Jon) I got my heart right and decided to try the thing.
And I loved it. It took me several tries to get all the way to the end, and some people questioned my methods, but I did it. Victory is so sweet.
4. Mrs. Sivnksty, our speaker's wife, spoke to the girls Thursday morning. She so sweetly shared her story and then answered questions. The girls were so open, and by the end we were all laughing and crying and praising Jesus together.
5. We went hiking. I guess this is less of a highlight and more of an accomplishment, but the view at the top was amazing and none of my campers died or were seriously injured and I didn't rip my shorts scooting down the mountain so I'd call that a success.
6. On Thursday nights we sing and make smore's around a fire and share testimonies. I love it for two reasons. First, since I can't eat graham crackers I get a whole Hershey's bar. There have been times when the thought of that Hershey's bar has gotten me through the week. But most importantly, I get to here what the kids and counselors have learned that week. We were out at the fire for over an hour and heard so many clear presentations of grace. I was reminded again of why I'm here.
To love Jesus and love His children, no matter how old they are. Junior Two starts today, and I'm ready for whatever a group of 8-year-olds can throw at me. Maybe.
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