Friday, June 5, 2015

My God is So Big

Well, aside from being the most unfaithful and sporadic blogger in the world, I’m also pretty stinkin tired. Note to self: mono doesn’t go away when you’re on a beautiful tropical island.

It’s 11:00 here, which is pretty late for a bunch of mainland girls who may not have quite adjusted to the time change yet. We normally go to bed around 9:30 and wake up around 7:30. I keep telling myself the early wake up time is just preparation for camp.

Tonight at 9:30, however, we were leaving a park in Palolo Valley and headed back home after our first Hawaiian Challenge. God brought around 60 kids out to a park in the middle of a low-income housing area to play a version of kickball I’m pretty sure our camp director Jon made up off the top of his head, eat pizza, watch a skit (I played a pregnant woman with the help of one of the kickballs), and hear how much Jesus loves them. I was reunited with some former campers and one of last year’s speakers and made a ton of new friends. The kids we met tonight have the opportunity to come to camp thanks to the incredible generosity of the sweet church people here in Hawaii, and we’re praying they will.

On the way to Palolo tonight the team prayed for a lot of kids who would be excited about the gospel and camp. God answered those prayers as the kids cheered at the top of their lungs, laughed at everything we said, played hard, listened well, and asked questions. Almost every kid left with an application and a clear explanation of the Cross. Please pray with us for full weeks of camp, but more importantly, pray for the salvation of these kids. I pray that the love they received from the team tonight points them to Jesus, who loves them perfectly.

My back is sore from piggyback rides and my voice is hoarse from back to back nights of cheering, but I couldn’t be more excited for the dozens of piggyback rides and cheer competitions that the next four weeks hold. God’s spent the last week humbling me and lovingly pointing me to my need of continual, never-ending grace, and pretty soon, I get to tell my sweet girls all about that grace. God has so much to teach me, and He brought me to Hawaii to do it. How cool is that?

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