Monday, May 26, 2014

Here's the Thing About Airports, Part Two

Today hasn't gone as expected.

The above statement is the understatement of the century. 

But I should probably fill you in on my flight from Charlotte to Dallas. I was in a row with a honeymooning couple. There were three chairs, but only two were really used. I'll leave it at that.

Halfway through the flight the new wife got motion sick. She proceeded to throw up in her motion sickness bag, her new husband's, and then mine. This was after her very flustered new husband spilled water all over me. 

Throughout the flight I was keeping a close eye on the time. We left Charlotte very late, and there was crazy turbulence, so I knew I'd be cutting it close to make my connection. 

You are reading the blog of the possible world record holder for fastest sprint across the Dallas airport. The very nice hate agent told me that. After she closed the cabin door.

I have officially missed my first flight. I have also been to Los Angeles. The next flight to Honolulu was taking off from sunny California, so that's where I went. The flight was mercifully uneventful. There was an extra seat next to me, so I ignored the Kiera Knightley movie being shown, and slept. 

I'm minorly disappointed by the fact that I don't get a meal on the way to Hawaii, but I had a bag of chips and a bottle of Smart Water, which I couldn't open. I know. I wanted a hamburger, but my options consisted of a bar and a bakery. The LA airport is huge, and that is all they can offer me? 

This flight has been delayed too. It's not my day. I have no idea where my luggage is or what will happen when I arrive, but for now I'm content to watch a girl try to flirt with a boy who doesn't speak English. 

It's almost boarding time. I can't wait to be done with today. 


  1. My favorite blog has returned! Well, it's the only blog to which I've subscribed, but that's neither here nor there.

    I hope the rest of the trip is less of a bother.

  2. We're so sorry for your day...but you've made us ALL laugh!!!! :-).

  3. And we thought you were already safe and sound at Camp Kupono. Silly us.
