Everybody has bad days. They are inescapable, no matter how hard you try. As previously mentioned, interesting things happen to me all the time. No matter where I am, bizarre circumstances find me.
Today should have been a normal day.
Famous last words.
1. I wake up only to remember that it is water day at the Child Development Center that I work at. I cannot find my only pair of water-wearable capris.
2. After taking EVERY SINGLE THING out of my drawers, laundry basket, and washing machine, I leave for work late, still unable to find the aforementioned capris.
3. After water day has begun and I have already been soaked by three year-olds armed with sponges, my father shows up waving my capris (they were in Cole's laundry basket of all places) and yelling my name. My three year-olds find this amusing. I do not.
4. On the way back from talking to Dad, I am, for the first time in my seventeen years, stung by a bee that wandered into my Croc and places it's stinger in my big toe.
5. This is also amusing to the three year-olds.
6. Having never been stung before and being an extreme hypochondriac, I assume I'm allergic and go inside to clean my aching toe.
7. Time passes, rather uneventfully.
8. I go to my car after work only to find that, also for the first time ever, I have locked my keys in my car.
9. I go to pick up my brother from my grandparents house and am forced to watch the penalty kicks of some soccer game because he has to see the end.
10. On the way home I am pulled over by Public Safety for the second time this month.
Please tell me this sort of thing happens to other people.
My life is an adventure. I can't wait to see where tomorrow leads. I will now go massage my big toe.
Love it. At least your life is not boring.