Monday, May 21, 2012

Today's the Day!

I am finally leaving! After months and months and months of planning, today's the day I will board the flight for my solo journey across the Atlantic. And by solo I mean me and probably one hundred other passengers:)

Here's the itinerary:
1:00ish: leave my humble abode. Moment of sadness. Ok, sadness time is over.
3:00ish: hopefully arrive at the Charlotte airport. I say hopefully because recently, my family has had the strange problem of not being able to get to or from Charlotte without getting lost. Strangely, this problem only seems to be in affect when I am in the car. That doesn't mean anything, does it?
3:00-5:10: all the airport stuff. Security, customs, snack, restroom stop, etc. They tell you to arrive at least two hours before your flight leaves. However, doing all the airport stuff either takes approximately 20 minutes, leaving you to wander around the airport for what seems like forever, or it takes 2 hours and 10 minutes because you get stuck in line behind an older couple, both in wheel chairs, behind a single mom with 7 kids all under the age of 6, who is behind a man who insists on bringing all of his cats with him to El Salvador, who is behind a women whose heart medication made the alarm go off., by which time you have missed your flight. Yes, I'm slightly worried. Can you tell?
5:10-7:50 (1:50 in the U.S.): arrive in Munich, Germany. Go through all the customs stuff again, find something delicious and German to eat, buy my brother and male cousins something soccer-y because that's what you do in Munich, according to Cole.
9:20-10:25: arrive in Vienna! Yayayay!

After that I will simply try to stay awake as I adjust to the time change! I'll keep you posted as I am able:)


  1. Should be a grand adventure.

    My wife hates having to take off her shoes to go through security since she doesn't know what other germs have been transferred to that area from other people having their shoes off. I can only imagine the apoplexy you must suffer in such a situation.

    Regarding the jet lag, don't move in gradually. Jump in to the new time zone right away. Set your watch/clock ahead to the new time while you're still in the U.S. And, got to have some chocolate at some point and bratwurst with hot mustard and maybe some sauerkraut.

    1. Let's just say it involves thick socks and lots of hand sanitizer:) I fully intend to eat lots of chocolate, and we'll see about the sauerkraut.

  2. Margaret! Your blog description sounds slightly reminiscent to another blog you and I frequent, but I love it. :) I hope you have a marvelous time, and trust me, you won't regret sampling the sauerkraut. It's "sehr gut!"
    Miss D.
